“ Omnium rerum principia parva sunt - Everything has a small beginning”
Politik tansiyonun gergin oldugu gunler yasiyoruz.Birbiri ardina Kuzey Afrikayi saran isyan bayragi giderek politik bir manifesto kimligiyle, farkli noktalarda, farkli boyutlarda, farkli toplumsal dinamikleri tetikliyor.
Ozellilkle Kuzey Afrika'da yasanan surec, bu toplumsal ivmenin en acik gostergesi, yuzyillardir emperyalist ulkelerin birer kolonisi olarak varolan, ozgurluk savaslarinin sonrasinda ise, Junta yonetimleri, Diktatatorluk altinda gecen yillar artik, demokratik bir yapiya duyulan ozlemle Kuzey Afrika ulkerinin dortbir yanina sicrayarak buyuk bir isyani dinamitledi….
Araplari ve Berberileri saran bu direnis , 50’li ve 60li yillarin ozgurluk savaslarinin sonrasinda yeni bir vizyonun, aslinda yeniden Phoenixvari bir dogumun mujdecisi….
Tum bu toplumsal surece paralel, karsimiza bu hikayeleri sinematografik vizyon icinde kurgulayan Italyan bir yonetmen cikiyor, Gillo Pontecorvo. Belkide bu sureci algilamak adina en onemli referanslardan biri : Italyan yonetmen Gillo Pontecorvo’nun Cezayir’deki Isyanin, direnisin anatomisini ortaya koydugu, Ic Savasi anlatan kult filmi “La Battaglia di Algeri”, The Battle of Algiers (1966)
Filmle bugunku ozgurluk mucadelesinin, aslinda bircok isyanlarinin sonunda elde edilmis , baski altinda yasayan toplumlarin bir portresiyle karsilasiyoruz.…..
Gillo Pontecorvo Pisa’da yasayan bir yahudi ailesinin ferdi, Fasist donem Italya'sindan kacip Paris’e yerlesen, 1943-45 arasinda Milano’daki Marxist direnis harekatinin lideri, kendi kisisel yasantisi da , donemin tarihsel kimligine paralel onu onu hep bir isyanci, direnisci, ozgurluk savascisi konuma oturtmasi da, bir o denli heyecan verici…..
The Battle of Algiers siyah beyaz hand held kamerayla cekilen, cinéma-vérité sitilinin en onemli orneklerinden biri. Filmde; ayni eksende sosyal olgularin on planda yeralmasi, doneme ait dokumanter bir kimlik tasimasi, aktuel mekanlarda cekilmesi, ve konvansiyonel sinemanin, Hollywood’un dayattigi star sistemine karsi profesyonel olmayan oyuncularin varligi Neo Realist sinemanin ana hatlarini ortaya cikartmaktadir. Neo-realist yonetmenlerin izlerini tasiyan filmde, ozellikle Roberto Rosellini sinemasina ait espiriler acik ve net bir sekilde gorulebilir.
Film, 130 yillik Fransiz isgalinin kucuk direnislerle, isyanlarla baslayarak, bir ulusun bagimsizlik mucadelesini gozler onune koymakta, ozgurluklerin hic te kolay elde edinilmediginin alti cizilmektedir.
Bu toplumsal gelisimi algilayabilmemiz icin birde Yakin Dogu ve Arab Dunyasi uzmani Edward Said’in perspektifinden de bakmamiz gerekebilir.
Son gunlerde hersey cok hizli bir sekilde degisirken, ideolojiler anlamlarini coktan yitirmisken, kimlik degistirirken, icleri bosaltilirken, politik krizler, isyanlar yer degistirirken: kendi bireysel varolusumuz adina ortaya konan isyanlarimiz, belkide bu denli, dunya tarihi acisindan onemli bir rol oynamasa da, biz yinede Sysphus’un kaderini tasimanin bilinciyle Homosapiens’in bireysel trajedilerine taniklik ediyoruz.
Belki bir an icin kent siluetini ele geciren grotesque gokdelenler, Haydarpasa’nin belirsiz bir yangina kurban gitmesi, hergun bir yenisi eklenen Alisveris Merkezleri, Dogudan goc olgusunun yarattigi kaos ve dejenerasyon, , kentin dokusunun yokloma tehlikesi, yanlis ve tarihi dokuya paralel olmayan restorasyonlar, Londra’daki ogrenci eylemleri; insanin icinde isyan bayragini acan kucuk detaylar mi, yoksa toplumsal, tarihsel, estetik, bellek ve kultur adina politik saptamalar ve movement’larida iceren, ciddi birer sosyolojik, demografik, toplumsal olgular mi, Siz ne dersiniz?
Herneyse, Cezayir Ic Savasini, buyuk bir isyanin sonrasinda elde edilen zaferi anlatan bu film, yine bugunlerde ayni sicak gundemi yakalayan harekatlarin altinda yatan tum olgularin altinin cizildigi en carpici orneklerden biri , Iyi Seyirler…..
Duc De Smyrne & Cuneyt CERIT
Nisan MMI/ Istanbul
29 Nisan 2011 Cuma
27 Nisan 2011 Çarşamba
“ Omnium rerum principia parva sunt”
“ Omnium rerum principia parva sunt - Everything has a small beginning”
We are currently living in times of high political tension when riots and demonstrations are spreading across North Africa and Middle East. There have been revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia with major public demonstrations of protest in Algeria and Civil War in Libya.
Post Colonial states became Junta regimes under dictatorships in North Africa and Middle East. After all these struggles for liberty there is still no breeding ground for democracy. Riots spark across the lands and lead to huge public outcries and massive demonstrations.
European Art Film makers were highly aware of these social and political tensions. One of the definitive faces of European Art Film was the director, Gillo Pontecorvo. Arguably, he is one of the crucially important figures to explain the social circumstance.
Gillo Pontecorvo, born in Pisa, was the son of a wealthy bourgeois Italian Jewish businessman; he escaped to Paris from the Fascist regime of Mussolini and became an active member of the Italian Communist Party and leader of the Resistance in Milan between 1943-45. He definitely lived an extraordinary life fighting for freedom.
Most of Pontecorvo’s films were highly concerned with political issues. ”The Battle of Algiers” (1966) was directed by Pontecorvo and is considered a masterpiece and widely viewed as one of the finest black and white films of the cinéma-vérité genre ever made. Pontecorvo was profoundly influenced by Rossellini’s style: working with non-professional actors, filming and setting historical subjects in their actual environment and using minimal, often hand-held, camera equipment. The film’s portrayal of the Algerian resistance during the Algerian War follows closely in the footsteps of Neorealist pioneers such as de Santis and Rossellini, employing the use of newsreel-style footage, non-professional actors and focusing primarily on the disenfranchised population, who seldom receive such attention from the general media.
This Neo-realist approach is widely described; he uses a definite social context, a sense of historical actuality and immediacy, political commitment to progressive social change and authentic on-location shooting. His extensive use of non-professional actors and his documentary style of cinematography contrast with the Hollywood Studio system with its classical Hollywood acting style the use of an artificial studio.
Pontecorvo’s conception of political filmmaking was derived from situations where the historical background played a major role but had nuances of personal psychology. The protagonists are struggling in a social atmosphere where they are forced to fight in the name of freedom, liberty, social rights and what makes life worth living. Battle of Algiers is anti-imperialist and anti-colonial and structured by Marxist terminology.
According to Mike Wayne:”…these signifiers of the crucifixion, the Christian motif of suffering and the religious music, so culturally remote from the story material, de-historicise a specific struggle in time and space, turning a story from anti-colonial liberation movements into timeless tragedy, a universal story, a comment on the human condition and other such depoliticising aesthetic concept….”
Algeria has suffered 130 years of French military and Colonial occupation (1832-1962) and have lost one million people in their fight to gain their independence from France. The film also shows us the current parallel political issues. How can we describe and interpret these social circumstances profoundly? Should we look from the perspective of the Near East Author Edward Said. Edward Said received much praise for his work, his intimate knowledge of colonial era and in the post-structuralist theory of Foucault, Derrida and others. Edward Said also came to be known as a intellectual public figure who frequently discussed contemporary politics, music, culture, and literature on Arab Worlds & Middle East Territories.
At a time when things are changing fast, ideologies have become inane, lost meaning and political crises and uprisings are ubiquitous, we continue to witness the tragedies of the Homosapiens like the destiny of Sisyphus rolling a marble stone to the top of a hill although we are cognizant that our personal uprisings would not move a rock on earth.
Think about the grotesque skyscrapers that rising city horizon, an ambiguous case of scorched in a virulent fire in Haydarpaşa Train Station, Shopping Centers besieging the city, degeneration and the atmosphere of chaos accompanied by the immigration from the east, the danger of losing the ambiance in the metropolis, or sloppy & artificial and pseudo restorations, riots and protests of the students in London?
Are these the small details that pull up the red flag in our souls? Or the sociological and demographical phenomena that come with deviations in social, political, cultural and aesthetical understanding? What do you think?
All in all, this is the extraordinary story of film which tells us about how Algerian society gained the freedom, and democratical rights in extreme conditions….well, enjoy the film…..
April/ Istanbul MMXI
Duc De Smyrne & Cuneyt Cerit
We are currently living in times of high political tension when riots and demonstrations are spreading across North Africa and Middle East. There have been revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia with major public demonstrations of protest in Algeria and Civil War in Libya.
Post Colonial states became Junta regimes under dictatorships in North Africa and Middle East. After all these struggles for liberty there is still no breeding ground for democracy. Riots spark across the lands and lead to huge public outcries and massive demonstrations.
European Art Film makers were highly aware of these social and political tensions. One of the definitive faces of European Art Film was the director, Gillo Pontecorvo. Arguably, he is one of the crucially important figures to explain the social circumstance.
Gillo Pontecorvo, born in Pisa, was the son of a wealthy bourgeois Italian Jewish businessman; he escaped to Paris from the Fascist regime of Mussolini and became an active member of the Italian Communist Party and leader of the Resistance in Milan between 1943-45. He definitely lived an extraordinary life fighting for freedom.
Most of Pontecorvo’s films were highly concerned with political issues. ”The Battle of Algiers” (1966) was directed by Pontecorvo and is considered a masterpiece and widely viewed as one of the finest black and white films of the cinéma-vérité genre ever made. Pontecorvo was profoundly influenced by Rossellini’s style: working with non-professional actors, filming and setting historical subjects in their actual environment and using minimal, often hand-held, camera equipment. The film’s portrayal of the Algerian resistance during the Algerian War follows closely in the footsteps of Neorealist pioneers such as de Santis and Rossellini, employing the use of newsreel-style footage, non-professional actors and focusing primarily on the disenfranchised population, who seldom receive such attention from the general media.
This Neo-realist approach is widely described; he uses a definite social context, a sense of historical actuality and immediacy, political commitment to progressive social change and authentic on-location shooting. His extensive use of non-professional actors and his documentary style of cinematography contrast with the Hollywood Studio system with its classical Hollywood acting style the use of an artificial studio.
Pontecorvo’s conception of political filmmaking was derived from situations where the historical background played a major role but had nuances of personal psychology. The protagonists are struggling in a social atmosphere where they are forced to fight in the name of freedom, liberty, social rights and what makes life worth living. Battle of Algiers is anti-imperialist and anti-colonial and structured by Marxist terminology.
According to Mike Wayne:”…these signifiers of the crucifixion, the Christian motif of suffering and the religious music, so culturally remote from the story material, de-historicise a specific struggle in time and space, turning a story from anti-colonial liberation movements into timeless tragedy, a universal story, a comment on the human condition and other such depoliticising aesthetic concept….”
Algeria has suffered 130 years of French military and Colonial occupation (1832-1962) and have lost one million people in their fight to gain their independence from France. The film also shows us the current parallel political issues. How can we describe and interpret these social circumstances profoundly? Should we look from the perspective of the Near East Author Edward Said. Edward Said received much praise for his work, his intimate knowledge of colonial era and in the post-structuralist theory of Foucault, Derrida and others. Edward Said also came to be known as a intellectual public figure who frequently discussed contemporary politics, music, culture, and literature on Arab Worlds & Middle East Territories.
At a time when things are changing fast, ideologies have become inane, lost meaning and political crises and uprisings are ubiquitous, we continue to witness the tragedies of the Homosapiens like the destiny of Sisyphus rolling a marble stone to the top of a hill although we are cognizant that our personal uprisings would not move a rock on earth.
Think about the grotesque skyscrapers that rising city horizon, an ambiguous case of scorched in a virulent fire in Haydarpaşa Train Station, Shopping Centers besieging the city, degeneration and the atmosphere of chaos accompanied by the immigration from the east, the danger of losing the ambiance in the metropolis, or sloppy & artificial and pseudo restorations, riots and protests of the students in London?
Are these the small details that pull up the red flag in our souls? Or the sociological and demographical phenomena that come with deviations in social, political, cultural and aesthetical understanding? What do you think?
All in all, this is the extraordinary story of film which tells us about how Algerian society gained the freedom, and democratical rights in extreme conditions….well, enjoy the film…..
April/ Istanbul MMXI
Duc De Smyrne & Cuneyt Cerit
14 Nisan 2011 Perşembe
Maçka'da Maça Dörtlüsü
cok uzun zaman gecti,
ilk kez senin gulumsemen beni esir aldigindan beri,
o gun bu gun hersey toplaniyor
bilinmeyen coklu merkezde,
benim ruhumsa bir turlu toparlanamiyor….
Maçka'da Maça Dörtlüsü,
bir poker kagidinda toplaniyor yazgin,
elim kotu,
açamıyorum seni ….
Valide Sultan Cesmesi Yalnizligi, Macka / Istanbul, Martedi /Marzo/MMXI, C.CERIT
ilk kez senin gulumsemen beni esir aldigindan beri,
o gun bu gun hersey toplaniyor
bilinmeyen coklu merkezde,
benim ruhumsa bir turlu toparlanamiyor….
Maçka'da Maça Dörtlüsü,
bir poker kagidinda toplaniyor yazgin,
elim kotu,
açamıyorum seni ….
Valide Sultan Cesmesi Yalnizligi, Macka / Istanbul, Martedi /Marzo/MMXI, C.CERIT
Aşiyan" dan hic kalkmayan vapurlar
Ozluyorum seni,
Bir kirlangic gibi,
Bir dolunay gibi,
Istanbul’da acan bir erguvan gibi,
Aşiyan'dan hic kalkmayan vapurlar gibi,
Sen de cekip git,
Bizi garip bir elin varligina terket….
dur bak, bir an ,
Kassandra firtinasi ustumuzde
lanetinden korktugumuzu belli etmeye korktugumuz
el verirken kör bir dula,
yine bizi bulduya………………
Aşiyan, A.H.Tanpinar'in mezarinda aglanmaz aksamlari, Istanbul, Nisan MMXI, c.cerit
Bir kirlangic gibi,
Bir dolunay gibi,
Istanbul’da acan bir erguvan gibi,
Aşiyan'dan hic kalkmayan vapurlar gibi,
Sen de cekip git,
Bizi garip bir elin varligina terket….
dur bak, bir an ,
Kassandra firtinasi ustumuzde
lanetinden korktugumuzu belli etmeye korktugumuz
el verirken kör bir dula,
yine bizi bulduya………………
Aşiyan, A.H.Tanpinar'in mezarinda aglanmaz aksamlari, Istanbul, Nisan MMXI, c.cerit
Biscotti Evreni
bir biscotti evreninde
umarsizlik ustune reddedilen giydirmeler,
istemdisi bir varolus,
istenc disi yokuşta ,
Kiril bir tablet gibi,
iniyorum varolmayan bir soluk alista
yokuşta ben…
sen her yokoluşunda ………
senin her yolalişinda……
sıkıldım simdi,
ama bu sıkıntı baska
sen bilmezsin,
Zürich sendromu olarak adlandiriyorum ben bugun,
sıkılılırsin da
Seni icine ceker durur,
takilir kalirsin,
o boyutta,
ama bu Bruksel’dekine pek benzemez,
avuntu pek yoktur,
noktalar boyunca
ama gidemezsin,
hersey ya….
onu dolduracak birsey bulamazsin ya,
asili durur ya,
Orada, o bosluk
Aziz Thomas parmak soksa diye beklersin…..
Zürich Tren Garinda beklemek anlamsiz beni, soguk bir ay, MMX, C.CERIT
umarsizlik ustune reddedilen giydirmeler,
istemdisi bir varolus,
istenc disi yokuşta ,
Kiril bir tablet gibi,
iniyorum varolmayan bir soluk alista
yokuşta ben…
sen her yokoluşunda ………
senin her yolalişinda……
sıkıldım simdi,
ama bu sıkıntı baska
sen bilmezsin,
Zürich sendromu olarak adlandiriyorum ben bugun,
sıkılılırsin da
Seni icine ceker durur,
takilir kalirsin,
o boyutta,
ama bu Bruksel’dekine pek benzemez,
avuntu pek yoktur,
noktalar boyunca
ama gidemezsin,
hersey ya….
onu dolduracak birsey bulamazsin ya,
asili durur ya,
Orada, o bosluk
Aziz Thomas parmak soksa diye beklersin…..
Zürich Tren Garinda beklemek anlamsiz beni, soguk bir ay, MMX, C.CERIT
Warwick Avenue’ den gecemiyorum,
Katedral, ay ve metro ucgenine sıkışıyorum
Hamilton Bulvarina cikamiyorum….
giderek siliklesiyorum…
yagmurlara paralel,
a frozen second……
ahhh Simonetta,
Casta Diva calarken dusuyorum,
Warwick Avenue’ den gecemiyorum,
geceleri senin hayaletin sinmis……..
Aaah Simonetta,
eflaltun bir keder icinde yuruyorum….
yanlis cizmis seni Boticelli……..
Warwick Avenue, Ev Yollari, St.John's Wood, MMIX, London, C.CERIT
Hamilton Bulvarina cikamiyorum….
giderek siliklesiyorum…
yagmurlara paralel,
a frozen second……
ahhh Simonetta,
Casta Diva calarken dusuyorum,
Warwick Avenue’ den gecemiyorum,
geceleri senin hayaletin sinmis……..
Aaah Simonetta,
eflaltun bir keder icinde yuruyorum….
yanlis cizmis seni Boticelli……..
Warwick Avenue, Ev Yollari, St.John's Wood, MMIX, London, C.CERIT
13 Nisan 2011 Çarşamba
Nice Pazarinda Zack'in sesi…..
zeytinler sira sira,
bir orkestra senligi,
Nice pazarinda Zack’in sesi
Theresa coktan inmis sahile,
Marakesh’li Brahima’da,
zerafet bu olsa gerek,
Italyan tadinda fransiz asaleti,
daha ne ister bu adam
garip bir aksan var burada,
icimizde olmayan…..
dil rustic fransiz,
deniz daha bir Italyan
gecmis rus bir aristokrat….
Zack’in sesi,
domates kokusu gibi,
yari yesil , yari fransiz,
Sarajevo gecelerinde bekletilmis,
Cordoba’da demlenmis,
Guaymas Sonara'da duslenmis,
kabak cicekleri siestalarindan magdur edilmis,
bir cigan ritmine eslik eden cigal'le.......
iste Zack'in sesi, bir dervis'in koynunda
kimi zaman Douro Kanyonlarinda yikanip
Tuna'da aglayan,
kimi zaman Italya,
50'li yillardan postalanmis bir kartpostal,
Oyle birsey,
yesil domatesin olgunlugunda,
Teresa Salgueiro'yu kiskandiran,
Nice Pazarin'da kabak cicekleriyle....
uzaktan circir boceklerinin ninnileriyle.....
cam kozalaklari olgunlasirken,
gunes daha bir parlak bugun......
Eze'de duserken gercekler gunbegun.....
agustos sicaklari, Nice &Menton & Eze, Cote d'Azur, France, MMVIII
3 Nisan 2011 Pazar
24601 then labeled 9430......
Peronlarda sayikliyorum adini……
peronlarda saat tik taklari,
hersey bir ritmin gizemiyle asikar,
hersey bir zig zag duzenin esiri…..
nedense hersey bir digerinin tekrari,
ya da ona oykunen,
ya da onsuz oldurulen,
ya da anlamsiz bir takip seruveninde
hicbiri birbirinden bagimsiz cuzumlenemeyen,
oysa ki Jean Valjean rolu yakismiyor sana.....
bu ikili
siyrilamiyor kendinden,
bu ikilemden
hangi iklimde yazildigindan bihaber yararsiz,
suzikar bir yarasiz,
bilingual bir yalnizlikta…..
Akrep ile yelkovan misali
takip icinde hayellerimiz,
birbirleri olmadan
bir saatin icinde
birbirlerine olumune esir duran,
ayni ritmi kovalayan
tasikardi hissi uyandiran
ne mumkun yasamak, birbirimiz olmaksizin,
bugun, kalbin tam 2bin 460 kez carpti,
belki bir eksik
belki bir fazla
kalp atislarinin kimse farkinda olmadi,
yanindaki Leopar saate bakti......
dokuzu dort geciyor,
arti otuz saniye
olamiyor, olduramiyoruz bir turlu,
aklimin kosesinde bin turlu hayallerin dusmus gercekleri,
bugunku koordinatlari
51° 30′ 28″ N, 0° 7′ 41″ W
yarin ne olur bilinmez,
kivriliyoruz bir saga
bir sola,
yasam devam ediyor,
bir arti, bir eksi bati istikametinde
cikisimiz ertelendi
kilitlenen yollar boyunca….
Toulon & London MMVIII, C.CERIT
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